New book Announcement!

I am so excited to announce the upcoming release of my new books. I know it’s been a while since I released my last series, but my writing has not stopped. At this time I’m happy to announce that I have signed a contract with Aethon Books to release The Augmented, a science fiction series that launches the World of Lumineia. In my other books it’s called the Dawn of Magic, but before it all, two krey brothers needed a refuge. They found Lumineia.

Book 1 is slated for release in e-book, print, and audio this coming spring, and is titled Empire of Ashes. Books 2 and 3 are scheduled to release a month and two months later, so you’ll get the first half of the series all together. In addition, these books are longer than anything I have ever written, so there is so much more story to tell. I cannot WAIT for these books to come out, and for readers to discover where it all began. I’ll keep you posted as we get closer with cover details, specific release dates, and everything else. Until then, feel free to check out Aethon Books, a publisher respected for high-quality science fiction. Get ready for a brand new ride!!